
A “signature” was placed on all things by God to indicate their affinities — but it was hidden, hence the search for arcane knowledge. Knowing was guessing and interpreting, not observing or demonstrating.
In a edible greenhouse, diners harvest their dinner, constructing and deconstructing their menus based on taste affinities.
The event is a game dedicated to the theme of “affinity“ where conviviality of friends is doubled by sensory engagement.
The end result marking and immortalizing the event is the cookbook. A document of “coming together“ archiving the new found affinities of the guests into recipes that can vary from metaphorical sensory indications to recipes on how to combine food with conversations.
The cookbook is a document of the collective consciousness of affinities that serves as a reminder that in the osmosis of arte-vita the best recipes are the one we create ourselves.
The food and the ingredients are not resembling their natural forms. Making the arrangement of edible elements removed from their natural origins but one that still resembles natural forms. The food is presented on gardening trays and pots. It is a green house nursery.
As there are 60 participants the menu elements will repeat themselves across the tables and into the space to allow easy access to all diners.

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